Friday 16 May 2014

My English progress

My favorite animal is the dolphin. It's an aquatic animal, they are very good swimmers, they don't sleep too much may be three or four hours a day. This animal is very similar to me because I like a lot the water and I think that I'm a good swimmer not better than a dolphin. I don't like sleeping I prefer to do sport or read a book and finally this animal is very intelligent and I know that I'm a little bit intelligent.

This text of here is my first english writing of fourth of ESO, if I compare with one of my last composition (If Iknew back them...) The first BIG difference is the length of the text and the vocabulary, I think that now I use more words and more specific. I believe that the I continue doing a lot of ortografics faults and gramatical problems but anyone is perfect. One thing that shock me is that in this text I don't use any connectors and now I always use a lot of connectors.
If I have to be sincere, I should tell you that the bigest difference is not the length, the vocabulary or the connectors is the effort that I have put to learn more english.

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