Friday 16 May 2014

My english competence in 2014

The task that my teacher is giving to me is very difficult to accomplish because like a mother can choose her best children it's very different to me to choose my best written evidence.

At the end, I decided to choose one opinion essay that I did during this year. The best argument that I can use to defense my decision is that I believe that I do a lovely written even at the expense of that the day that I do it I was in a very bad mood. I think that is my best work because it shows that I can do a good work even if I feel bad or depressed an because I think that I use very good arguments to defense a very difficult thesis.

Talking using linguistic words, I could say that this work show that with simple vocabulary every can do a good written, then I remember that when I was doing the document I spend a lot of time thinking the best introduction to do and, finally, I can say that I did a good job.

My English progress

My favorite animal is the dolphin. It's an aquatic animal, they are very good swimmers, they don't sleep too much may be three or four hours a day. This animal is very similar to me because I like a lot the water and I think that I'm a good swimmer not better than a dolphin. I don't like sleeping I prefer to do sport or read a book and finally this animal is very intelligent and I know that I'm a little bit intelligent.

This text of here is my first english writing of fourth of ESO, if I compare with one of my last composition (If Iknew back them...) The first BIG difference is the length of the text and the vocabulary, I think that now I use more words and more specific. I believe that the I continue doing a lot of ortografics faults and gramatical problems but anyone is perfect. One thing that shock me is that in this text I don't use any connectors and now I always use a lot of connectors.
If I have to be sincere, I should tell you that the bigest difference is not the length, the vocabulary or the connectors is the effort that I have put to learn more english.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Learn a language?

What are the difficulties of learning a language? What are the aspects that are important to learn a new language? I think that when you should learn a language you have to accept that is impossible to understand everything at the the begin and that the most important skills are the listening and the speaking.

First, a new language is like a new world and cause of that you always will need a lot of help to understand the language. I believe that at the beginning you should learn grammar and reading, because you need to have a base if you want to learn a language, but then you should begin to learn a lot of new vocabulary and learn how to speak well. One of my recommendation is to travel to a country were that language is the local language because you will learn a lot, you will know if you really understand the language and if you have the enough vocabulary to speak well.

Second, as I said I believe that the most important part of the language is the speaking and the listening because if some day you want to live to a new country you will have to know how to speak and you will need to understand you neighbours if you want to survive. I think that the grammar and the reading are not very important but useful.

To sum up, the most difficult thing that you will have to deal when you learn a language is to enter in the new world that the language is.  


Today I'm in the University of Barcelona because I want to interview rector of the University of Medecine. Francesc Cardellach is a professor of Medecine and, nowadays, is the rector of the faculty of Medecine. He publish more than two hundred of works in a lot of scientific magazine and he is part of the Real Academia de Medicina de Catalunya. The objective of this interview is to know what is the opinion that the rector have of the people that want to study medicine.
Hello Dr. Francesc, first of all we want to know what you think about all the retails that the government is doing in the public sanity?

Hello, I believe that this retails are destroying the public sanity and are causing that a lot of good doctors are dropping out the public sanity or emigrating. I think that one of the groups that are suffering more is the M.I.R. because this group is losing the opportunity of learning in good conditions.

Talking about the M.I.R., do you agree with the proposition of the government and the decree of troncalidad?

I think that this decree has some parts that are good and other parts that aren't so good, but as an rector of university I only can say that I only want the best for the M.I.R.

Changing of topic, What do you think about the reductions of places in the Universities of Medecine?

I agree about this thing because I think that is a stupid thing to teach a lot of people to be a doctor but then only less than a half of the people that the university student can pass the mir exam. In my opinion, I think that the universities will increase the number of student when the number of residents will increase.

Thank you for asking our questions.

Education is the key

The text called education is the key shows to me how the education that we are receiving is very different that the education that we need. There are three thing that he says andthese things shock me a lot:

  • All I’m saying is that if there was a family tree, hard work and education would be related, but school would probably be a distant cousin. If education is the key, then school is the lock. Because it really ever develops your mind to the point where it can perceive red as green and continue to go when someone else said stop, because as long as you follow the rules and pass the exams, you’re cool. But are you aware that examiners have a checklist? And if your answer is something outside of the box, the automatic response is a cross, and then they claim that school expands your horizons and your visions. Well, tell that to Malcolm X, who dropped out of school and is world renowned for what he learned in a prison.” I really like this paragraph because he shows the reality in the school, we should accept that in the school we don't learn a lot of thing because, for example, the students only prepare his exams the day before and when they finish the exam they don't remember anything about what they have studied. In my point of view, I agree with that the school is like a colander than only allows to pass the people who can follow the rules that the school put.
  • Education is about inspiring ones mind not just filling their head”. That quote was inspiring to me because I began to think that every year in the school if I want to pass an exam I only have to fill my brain with some information and then I only have to regurgitate all the information in the exam. I think that this quote show how the batchillerat is not a good preparation for the university because during the two years of batxillerat the most part of the teachers only teach to us the content that enter in selectivitat.
  • Redefine, how you view education. Understand its true meaning. Education is not just about regurgitating facts from a book on someone else’s opinion on a subject to pass an exam. Look at it, Picasso was educated in creating art; Shakespeare was educated in the art of [word] that was written. Colonel Harland Sanders was educated in the art of creating Kentucky Fried Chicken.” I think that it have to be a very important aim for our society to change the education system, Probably if we change the way how we educate the population will can pass the crisis. I think that the first thing that we should change in our education system is the non written rule that the student only have to study the day before the exams because I think that if the students learn to sacrifice and try to understand every day a part of the lesson they will be better students.

Monday 5 May 2014

Experience and age

Our society is divided in different groups depending the age. It is true that, currently, people change when they become older. One of these aspects that change is the experience that you have.
During your first age of the life, You have not experience and consequently you act with out think and normally you are always wrong and you need help of someone adult that give they opinion and they help you to act correctly. I believe that the fact of don't have experience is good because when you take the wrong way you always learn something.
The when you are old, You begin to think more and sometimes this is a problem because you think a lot about a deed and then you lose the opportunity to do it. I think that the older people need to be more spontaneous and try to break the routine.

To sum up, I'm convinced that a person should be very spontaneous, but they should have a little routine because the chaos isn't a good way to live even thought perfect order also is not a good way to live.

Opinion essay about how we should treat animals

The humanity have to treat the animals as equals or the animals are our slaves? I agree with the statement that tell that we have to treat the animals as equals.
At first, I think that a lot of animals are our best friends and we love those animals as persons. For this reason I believe that we should protect the animals as we protect the humanity because if we don't protect a friend that helps us, we will be monsters and we will kill all the animals.
At second, It is scientifically proved that some animals have the capacity of think like humans and they fell feeling and the pass of the time. Consequently, if we harm these animals, we will breaking the statements of our society because we will harming a equal.

To sum up, I believe that we have to treat the animals as equals because they are very similar as us and because we shouldn't harm a animal that have the capacity to feel.