Friday 29 November 2013

Opinion essay

Is humour really necessary? If you ask that question to people they will answer that obviously yes, but if then they try to answered why is necessary they don't have any coherent answer. In my point of view, humour it isn't necessary for life.
At first, is important to say that is possible that humour can help to pass a bad situation but if you use humour for all your bad moments you will never give up because life  isn't a bed of roses we need to suffer bad moments if we want to grow up and progress.
Secondly, in this time of crisis people tend to say that with humour the problems will sort out like if we live in a magic word. Moreover, the only way to clear up a problem is making a lot of effort and working every day to accomplish our objective because if we don't do that, the world where we life will kill us. That world where we live is a competitive world where the only way to survive is working and suffer because if you waste time laughing you will lost lots of opportunities that they will never return.

In conclusion, you will think that during the text I only talk about humour in a different way than normal, because I think that people don't take seriously a lot of important things. However humour will be useful when we are with friends or in some moments of life but we must not use humour as a style of live because you will damage yourself and the people you love.

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