Friday 29 November 2013

Mail to the teacher

Dear Sonia,
I was thinking about what are my true dreams, at that moment I have only one important challenge because that objective needs a lot of concentration and dedication. This dream is to arrive at the end of second batxillerat earning good grades and study Medicine in Barcelona. Talking about long-term dreams, before I die I want to visit, at least, five countries in every continent. My favourite destination are China, Australia, Nepal and Egypt because I love their culture, their nature and their waves(only when we talk about Australia). When I finish my degree I want to find a job as soon as possible in Catalonia, to achieve that dream I will try to study a lot at the university and stand out as much as I can.
The first thing that I will underline about Obama's speech is that I had never seen in Spain a president talking face to face with a group of students(probably because the students will throw tomatoes at him). Then I like when Obama talk about him in the address, that thing put the speech at the level of a friends conversation. After that I need to talk about one of the most strange phrases for normally students: “Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength.” As a teacher you might know that is very difficult see a students raising their hand to ask to you a question and in one way I think that it's normal because then some of they school partners will laugh about him but in another way if the student don't ask to you then probably he can't pass the exam. Finally I want to comment one of the strangest phrases in the Spanish society: “you become good at things through hard work”, here in Spain is very difficult to see people working hard to accomplish his objective however when I visit America I saw a very different culture and one of that differences was that they don't wait for anything they are always working for meet their goals.
In conclusion, I know that to achieve a dream you need to struggle every day but “purpose is what gives life a meaning”(C.H. Parkhurst), as that quote say probably is more important the path than the destination.
Write soon.

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