Saturday 30 November 2013

Ex-Castellón chief Fabra sentenced to four years for tax fraud

Carlos Fabra has been sentenced to four years of priion for tax fraud, at the begining he had been sentenced to 13 years but the castellon provincial court has absolved him of some of the charges.
The trial finished then of ten years of investigation of the years that Fabra was president of the provincial council of Castellon.
Carlos Fabra said that he will apeal to the sentence but it will be very difficult to change that sentence because the sentence said that it was unquestionable that Fabra was aware of all his corruption problems. However Fabra has order to pay 693000 euros to the tax office.
The origin of all the problems began in 2003 when Vicente Vilar acused Fabra to recieve thousand of euros for political favors.
I'm doing a lot of new about corruption because I think that in Spain there are lots of corruption probems that nowadays aren't solved.

This week’s movie releases

There are a lots of middle segments of trilogies but The Hunger Games: Catching Fire have one of the best review in America and Europe. In this second part the Katniss and Peeta will fight another time for their live in the 75th Annual Hunger Games. In this film will appear famous actor like Liam Hemsworth or Elizabeth Banks.
But The Hunger Games: Catching Fire it isn't the only good film that appear this film because films like heli, that talks about drug trafficking, or a comedy called Like a modern-day Rat Pack.

I'm a cinephile and if my teachers let me I will go and see that film but if I'm sincere I don't think I will have time until 2017 because I never stop doing homeworks:).

“Circumstantial” evidence exists that PP kept parallel accounts, High Court says

In Friday judge Pablo Ruiz said that it's very possible that exist a second accounting sistem which ran paralel to the official one. The investigation began when this newspaper reveal parts of the secrets ledgers that Luis Barcenas has.

Maria Dolores de Cospedal said that she will bring suit against Barcenas because he said that her and Mariano Rajoy were envolved in the conspiration.

Us always it happends in that country the opposition said to the President that it's important to said the true and then he had to accept te consequence.

In my point of view, all that stuff related with corruption isn't judge very well because lot of the politicians that in the past were envolved in corruption nowadays they aren't in the prision.

Opposition accuses Madrid City Hall of having caused cleaners’ strike

The opposition said to Anna Botella that she caused the strike of the street cleaners during the last two weeks. The stoppage was did it because the company wanted to lay off 1.134 employers and cut wages. This monday the strike was finished when the company decide to not lay offany employer.
Some workers didn't like when the Hall decided to employ people for the minimum servic but Anna Botella suggested that a serious deterioration in sanitary condition merited exceptional measures.
How ussually happen in politic affairs the opposition criticize all the things that the PP have did it during his term of office.

In my point of view I think that it isn't normal that Madrid, the city who desire the Olympic games two month ago, now they don't have money to pay for clean the city.

Killers walk free after European ruling as lawyer bids to keep teen murderer in jail

One Emilio Muñoz and Juan Manuel walked free from jail a cause the ECHR didn't like the Parot doctrine. Muñoz killed a young Madrid women and Juan Manuel killed a nine years old girl. The first one said when he left the prison that he was sorry for his crimes but the psychiatrist of Juan has told to the press that he isn't reformed.
There are lots of cases like that I was talking before because more than 50 prisioners had left left the jail since the new law is working. One strnage case that I didn't talk about is Ricart a man who kill three tennagers girls and probably now he is walking for the street.
In my view, I think that the ECHR hasn't understood very well what that prisioners has do it in Spain because I thinkt that is a silly thing to kill the Parot doctrine.

Rajoy uses Scotland to warn Catalonia about separatist regions

Mariano Rajoy has given a warning to Catalonia saying that if Scotland became independent he will leave the Europen Union. Then he said that the writer of the white book is a lier because if Sctoland became independent the new contry wouldn't stay in the European Union.
Artur Mas want to do a referendum similar to the Scotland one but Rajoy had sid that our constitution don't allow that kind of election.

However the French President and Rajoy were talking that days and they ariived to the same conclusions: an independent Scotland or Catalonia would be in the European Union.

I only want to comment a quote that Rajoy said:
"I don't know what that white book that has just been presented says,"

I was thinking if Rajoy don't know what the white book said because he didn't know English or because he had a lot of work...

Friday 29 November 2013


-An elementary school teacher sends this note to all the parents on the first day of school:

If you promise not to believe every thing your chld says happens at school. I will promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home.

Opinion essay

Is humour really necessary? If you ask that question to people they will answer that obviously yes, but if then they try to answered why is necessary they don't have any coherent answer. In my point of view, humour it isn't necessary for life.
At first, is important to say that is possible that humour can help to pass a bad situation but if you use humour for all your bad moments you will never give up because life  isn't a bed of roses we need to suffer bad moments if we want to grow up and progress.
Secondly, in this time of crisis people tend to say that with humour the problems will sort out like if we live in a magic word. Moreover, the only way to clear up a problem is making a lot of effort and working every day to accomplish our objective because if we don't do that, the world where we life will kill us. That world where we live is a competitive world where the only way to survive is working and suffer because if you waste time laughing you will lost lots of opportunities that they will never return.

In conclusion, you will think that during the text I only talk about humour in a different way than normal, because I think that people don't take seriously a lot of important things. However humour will be useful when we are with friends or in some moments of life but we must not use humour as a style of live because you will damage yourself and the people you love.

Mail to the teacher

Dear Sonia,
I was thinking about what are my true dreams, at that moment I have only one important challenge because that objective needs a lot of concentration and dedication. This dream is to arrive at the end of second batxillerat earning good grades and study Medicine in Barcelona. Talking about long-term dreams, before I die I want to visit, at least, five countries in every continent. My favourite destination are China, Australia, Nepal and Egypt because I love their culture, their nature and their waves(only when we talk about Australia). When I finish my degree I want to find a job as soon as possible in Catalonia, to achieve that dream I will try to study a lot at the university and stand out as much as I can.
The first thing that I will underline about Obama's speech is that I had never seen in Spain a president talking face to face with a group of students(probably because the students will throw tomatoes at him). Then I like when Obama talk about him in the address, that thing put the speech at the level of a friends conversation. After that I need to talk about one of the most strange phrases for normally students: “Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength.” As a teacher you might know that is very difficult see a students raising their hand to ask to you a question and in one way I think that it's normal because then some of they school partners will laugh about him but in another way if the student don't ask to you then probably he can't pass the exam. Finally I want to comment one of the strangest phrases in the Spanish society: “you become good at things through hard work”, here in Spain is very difficult to see people working hard to accomplish his objective however when I visit America I saw a very different culture and one of that differences was that they don't wait for anything they are always working for meet their goals.
In conclusion, I know that to achieve a dream you need to struggle every day but “purpose is what gives life a meaning”(C.H. Parkhurst), as that quote say probably is more important the path than the destination.
Write soon.

Beauty dialogue (original)

Scenario: Stacey and her mother are at home having dinner.
Characters: Stacey, Mother

Stacey:   Mom, do you think my boobs are too small?

Mother:   What?

Stacey:   My boobs. You know, I was thinking about... an operation.

Mother:   WHAT?

Stacey:   Mom, please, give me a sec. 

Mother:   No no no, I won't give you a sec. You just turned 18!

Stacey:   But mom, it's BECAUSE I AM 18! I can decide by myself!

Mother:   Stacey, there are just too many reasons why this is not good.

Stacey:   Which ones? Mom, today these operations aren't dangerous anymore...

Mother:   It's not only that! First of all, why do you want bigger boobs? Who told you that they're small? I think they're perfectly fine.

Stacey:   I see the looks of the guys. They only stare at the other girls! They don't look at me at all!

Mother:   And what? You don't need some boy that looks only at your boobs!

Stacey:   But mom, it's like if I was invisible!

Mother:   Haaaangh... And where do you get the money for such an operation?

Stacey:   Emmm...

Mother:   You didn't even think about it?

Stacey:   No, er, yes, I did! I thought I could save some money...

Mother:   SOME money? Do you even know how much an operation like that costs? A little summer work won't be enough to pay something like that! 

Stacey:   Well, if I do the operation then all the guys will follow like if they were my pets! And then I'll easily get a loaded boyfriend and all the problems are solved.

Mother:   Oh yes, Stacey, you're a genius! I didn't know you have such good ideas!

Stacey:   You see! 

Mother:   Stacey, ARE YOU STUPID? THAT'S A TERRIBLE IDEA... Oh my god...

Stacey:   That's a terrible idea? And that lawyer you're dating lately? You aren't doing it because of his money?


Stacey:   And now that I think about it... A little surgery would do you well, too...

Epilogue:   Only one of the two survived that dinner...

Exam composition

I don't like what Henry Wottom said about beauty because the appearance and the inside are always very different.

At first, in our society if we ask what things is the most important between youth(beauth) people and smart people they say that smart people is most important. However if you see their life or how they talk more about "Salvame" than if someone has improved the life of ill people, you can think and say that probably Lord Henry was correct and the only important things is youth and beauty but don't think that because the problem is that the most of the population don't accept that is better to be good and ugly preson than to be evil and beauty.