Friday 7 June 2013

Final evaluation of First Batxillerat

During this two years I think that my level of engish improved a lot because first I didn't try to have good marks but during this two years I began to improve my marks at first my marks improved a little bit but then almost during this last year I began to try to accomplish a new objective, tried to improve my mark and had a very good final mark. At first this objective was difficult but now I felt very satisfied with my self. In my opinion the best skill that reflect my english is the speaking and the reading because thanks that I spent some summers in England and United States.
I think that for my the best activities that help to improve my english is the blog and do writings because I do lots of faults and I think that it's the most difficult part of the language. In my opinion there aren't any not useful things during this years because I never felt that I was doing a stupid exercise. The next year I want to do another time the blog and I think that we will need to do more writings, readings and listenings because the selectivitat exams are only this three skills.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Self evaluation

If I talk about my presentation the first thing that I need to say is that I need to kill my nervous personality and then probably study a better the text because this two ingredients are very bad for do a presentation. I think that the structure of my presentation isgood and the content it's good to. Then I think that the movements and my voice that I put it in my presentation are good but I need to work about my english accent and try to improve.

In general the presentation was normal and I want to do better presentation the next year.


One of the cities that I prefer of our world is New York but when I went there I didn't visit all the city only a little part called Manhattan and I want to describe this borough.

Manhattan is the part of New York with more important buildings or monuments. In the downtown of Manhattan there are Times Square, which is a big square with buildings like Hard Rock Cafe and a lot of shops; Broadway, where are the most important theatre of the city; Fifth Avenue, where there are a lot of places to go shopping; Wall Street, which is the financial district of the city; Central Park, which is a enormous park with beautiful places to have a picnic, and The Empire State Building, where you can see all New York from a big height.

When I visited Manhattan I feel slight insecure and very small because in New York there are a lot of thief and all the buildings and the things in this city are very big. I recommended to visited because it's a very good experience for see a different culture and because the city that never sleep is perfect place to go shopping or only walk for his streets.

The weeding of my sister

The general topic of the film is the typical girl that she's addicted to the work but when she go to the weeding of her sister in Italia she fall in love with a friend of the groom. I like this film because is so funny and very easy to see I mean with some romantic moments but with a lot of funny moments.

The day of the marriage of his sister the principal actor, Beth, find an hansome boy, Nick, and she fall in love with him. But went the weeding finished Beth saw that Nick wasn't the boy that she thought. She went to a fountain and she caught some coins of the fountain. Then she returned to New York and some man became to follow him. Beth talk with her sister and she discover that the fountain through to Beth a spell and the only think to know if the love is real is returning the coins to his owner.

The think that I like of this film is that the director use the tipical love movie and he put a new kind of funny film.


f you want to practice ice-skating I think that is a difficult sport to do because you need a lot of thing to do it. First you need good roller skates, some protection for protect yourself if you fall and the most important thing want to fall for learn a lot. The second thing that you need is an ice track for skate or an ice lake but I think that is better the ice track because is more secure. I think that do ice-skating is very good because you improve your balace, you can make good friends and in my opinion is a very good sport because it isn't very dangerous and it is a winter sport that you can practice all the year.

Summer job

This summer I want to work because I think that I don't have any economic independence.

If I need to choose a summer job I know that the best for me is work in a bar or in a restaurant because I want to try the experience and I think that I'm good as a waiter. However some people tell to me that work as a waiter is very difficult and tired but I think that I can hold that. If I can't work as a waiter I probably help my father at his work. The only job that I hate is work as a checker because I think that is very bored.

The day after finish school

For put a example I want to explain what I did the day after school finish:
That day I got up later may be at eleven o'clock . Then I went to the pool because in the summer I usually have a shower in my garden then of swam in the pool. Then I went to the living-room and I watched the TV. At one o'clock I began to put in order the notes and the table because I prefer to do at soon as possible. Then at three o'clock I have lunch and at four o'clock I met with Pablo, Luis and Gerard and we spent the afternoon playing basket ball and swimming. At eight o'clock I returned home and I watched TV until one o'clock. Then of that I went to sleep.

The first day after holiday

All the years the day before school I do the same things:

At the afternoon I take all the books of my sister and I put on my table. Then if I have bought something new like a bog or school material I always open this day because for me it's a ritual that put myself in the school year. Then if the time is good my brother and I go to pool and we spend a few time there. At the night normally my mother prepare soup for dinner and then we go to sleep early. For my go to sleep early is a silly thing because the day before a important thing or event I can't sleep.

The lesson that I hate

During the year that I have been studying I begin to hate some lesson like the languages and drawing. The first one because I terrible with the grammar and with the writings. The second one is because during a lot of years I try to improve in drawing but I spend a lot of time and I don't improve anything and this year when I do draw normally I spend three or four hours doing only one paint. Probably I hate this lesson because I don't have the enough potential to be the best and this is very important for me.

My favourite lesson

I'm studying since I'm six years old and I think that my favourites lesson are biology and physic. The first one because I like to know more about our body, our past, about illness and because in a near future I want to study medicine. The second one it's probably strange but for me physic is like a continuous challenge because I need to think a lot for solve a problem. At that moment I'm not doing biology and I'm rather upset for this but next year I want to study this lesson. The other problem is that I like physic but at that moment I think that I need to improve a lot my physic knowledge.

Spy kids

The film talks about a brother and a sister that become spy and they want to rescue their parents. I saw this film when I was a young boy and I think that is one of my favourites films.

Juni and Carmen's parents went to a spy mission but during this mission they were captured and because of this their two children went to the Bran Castle for rescued their parents of the evil man Mr Lisp.

It's an action spy film and that the principals actor are children, that's what I like the most about it.
In general I think that young boys and girls probably like this film but their parents will probably be a little bit bored. If I need to give a score I think that the film have two stars (old people) or four stars (young people).

A final for Johny's story 2

Johny tried to follow the three pieces of advice that the coach told to him but when he tried to go out or meet somebody he always remembered his last girlfriend. One day Johny met a girl and the couple decided to go rowing but in the middle of route Johny became crazy and he threw the girl out of the boat. Because of that the girl died and Johny went to prison and in prison he became a lunatic. The day of his execution the guard found him dead. The guard never knew how Johny died but when a doctor did the autopsy he found a black strange thing where the heart was supposed to be.

A final for Johny’s story 1

Johny tried to followed the three thing that his coach told him and one day he decided to go to the disco. First he was a bit unhappy because the disco remind him of his last girlfriend but when Johny saw a beautiful blond lady he forgot his last girlfriend and he fell in love at first sight. Johny stayed all night talking to her and when Johny asked to meet her another day she answered the question with an affirmation. In a few week Johny and Rebecca began to go out and a year later the couple got married.


Crispeta is the name of my dog, my family bought this dog a few years ago for my sister but now is more ours than hers.

Physically Crispeta is a white dog, it is rather big and busy for her race. The face of my dog, isn't bigger than a apple. She have black eyes, big ears and a pretty snout. My dog have two strange things a large tail and a mark near eyes.
About her personality she's rather protective and she always wants to eat. I think that she like to play with my family and when a person caress her body. The only bad point of my dog is that she sometimes begins to bark without any reason.


In this post I want to talk about some things that I want to do this summer:

This summer the first thing that I will organize my table and my notes and then I will go to my swimming pool. During this summer I will try to find a job to earn money and with this money I'm going to buy a computer or a Iphone5. Unfortunately, this summer I won't go to the United States but I think that I will spend a very good summer with my friends and my family. Finally I'm going to study all the syllabus of Biology and I will try not to forget about the other lessons.

Reigning champ Lorenzo gears up for first MotoGP of 2013

Jorge Lorenzo is the favorite to win the race this Sunday because Qatar had been a very lucky place for the rider.
When Lorenzo talked to EL PAÍS, he said that he didn't have any problem to have Valentino Rossi in his team and then he said that it was a good thing for the team and for Valentino to meet again. When Jorge talk about his other enemy Dani Pedrosa he says that anything is possible in MotoGP and that his relationship with Pedrosa is better than in other years.
Talking about Marc Marquez, Lorenzo said that Marc is a very good competitor and he has a lot of good qualities that he(Lorenzo) needs.
Then EL PAÍS talked to Marc Marquez and He said that he wanted to do the best results but He needed to go step by step.
In my opinion I feel very nervous for the begin of the championship and I would like the comradeship between this riders.

Gap year

A gap year is a break between stages of life when a person do activity like travelling, volunteering or work abroad.

On the one hand a gap year is a good experience to make friends, go out and to try to search yourself. With a Gap year you can find a new job, a new kind of life and probably a new love.

On the other hand for a Gap year you need to know very well the language of the country, because you are alone and you need to survive. Then when you go out for a gap year you always leave your family, your friends and your culture.

In my opinion I think that a gap year is a very good thing for a person because when someone goes out of his home needs to mature and become independent. If I need to choose a place to stay during a year I will choose Australia because It's a place that I want to visit and I can learn a lot of things like English or surfing.

Animal test

The result of the animal test was strange. At first I thought I couldn't be an elephant but when I read the explanation, I agreed the results. The explanation said that saw a angry elephant is difficult, that they are very active and when elephants set their minds to something, they don't waver in their commitment until the task is complete. With these three things I'm slightly agree but when the text said that a elephant personality has important communication skills and that normally there are leaders I began to laugh because I don't have these features. When I read the careers I didn't feel good because all of them need to talk with a lot of people and I don't like to do this.

In general I don't agree with the result but if the texts said that probably I need a change in life (the last words are a joke).

Judge targets Princess Cristina in Nóos corruption probe

The Princess Cristina has been called to declare for the case of fraud(Nóos). The day that she was ordered to go is on 27 April because she have the status of director. The responsible of that is the partner of Iñaki who showed some emails between the couple talking about the influence of the king in many tourism acts. Other people related with the royalty had been called to declare. The Royal House didn't say anything during these days but on Wednesday they said that they were surprised of the act that the public prosecutor's office did.

I'm very surprised of this event because it is strange that the law tries to judge a infanta. Finally I expect that this case of fraud can be solved as soon as possible. 

Description of a photo

This photo was taken in a little town of east USA, Virginia Beach. This photo was taken it one of the first days of the trip and the people tried to get used to the weather because in this place the weather is so hot but also so humid.
When I see this photo I remember one of my best summer and I feel slight nostalgia. The place where the photo was taken was a beach with a strange tube.
In the background of this photo we can see a blue sky in the middle, some buildings on the left and the sea on the right. This photo has a lot of people but if you think a little bit you can know that the important people were the group of thirteen students in the middle of the photo. In this group we have eight girls all of them wearing shorts and tops of different colours like black, white or pink. The four boys wearing short pants, t-shirts and trainers.