Monday 28 April 2014

Fifa allows Barcelona to sign new players

Barcelona will be able to buy players this summer because the FIFA have suspended the sanction that they put to the Barça cause of the problems with the transfer of some football players.
However, the President of the FIFA have explained that the suspension of the sanction is temporally because the decision if the club is guilty or not won't be make public after some months.
The Barcelona used different arguments to defence his position. One of them was that the delay of the decision will cause bad consequence t the club.
Thanks to this suspension the Barcelona will reform his football team this summer, one of the players that will arrive to the club is Ter Stegen or Alen Halilovic.

In my opinion, the Barcelona has a lot of problems to solve. Some of this problems are related with the corruption but others are related of his way to play. I wish that all the problems will finish for this club.

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