Monday 28 April 2014

Letter to the Minister of Enviroment

4 Waterloo Road
Great Britain
3rd of September 2013
The Minister of Environment

Dear Madame,

I am writing this letter to apologize for how water is being wasted in your country. The statistics show me that Spain is one of the countries in the European Union that waste more water during the year.
This fact cost more than one million Euros to your country and is beginning to affect the environment. I want to show some ideas that if you decide you can use for improve the problems that Spain have with the water.
First, I think that the most important measure that you government should follow is to reduce the ours that fountain and other aquatics monuments are working during the day. Then I believe that if you increase the cost of the water when one family use more than fifty litres of water every months they will began to reduce the amount of water that they use. Finally, I was talking with an engineer that explain to me that more of the fifty per cent of the machines that use water that are of the State are very old and your government should change because they waste a lot of water and if you changed it for new ones the amount of water that they use will be reduced.

I wish you will try to change some of the things that I show in this card.

Yours faithfully,

Nathan Drake

Fifa allows Barcelona to sign new players

Barcelona will be able to buy players this summer because the FIFA have suspended the sanction that they put to the Barça cause of the problems with the transfer of some football players.
However, the President of the FIFA have explained that the suspension of the sanction is temporally because the decision if the club is guilty or not won't be make public after some months.
The Barcelona used different arguments to defence his position. One of them was that the delay of the decision will cause bad consequence t the club.
Thanks to this suspension the Barcelona will reform his football team this summer, one of the players that will arrive to the club is Ter Stegen or Alen Halilovic.

In my opinion, the Barcelona has a lot of problems to solve. Some of this problems are related with the corruption but others are related of his way to play. I wish that all the problems will finish for this club.


Today I'm in the Sahara because I want to do an interview to one of the leaders of a Tuareg clan. The objective of this interview is learn more about the life of the Tuaregs in the desert.
Me: Hello, good morning Abid (name of the leader).
Abid: Hello, good morning Anton.
Me: At first, Shall I ask if how many times have you see raining in this desert?
Abid: I have never see a cloud in this desert but my father told me when I was young that fifty years ago He saw a storm near the oasis of Manela.
Me: How many people are in your clan? How do you do to feed all the members?
Abid: We are ten man, twenty woman, fifteen children and more than fifty camels. We don't have any problems to feed all my family (referring to his clan) because we have a lot of animals with us like sheeps and we can drink water in the twenty different oasis that are in the west sahara.
Me: Have you ever been lost in the desert?
Abid: I have never been lost in this desert, You should think that this desert is like your neighbourhood I know every dune of the desert, every oasis and every city.
Thank you Abid for ask my questions I was surprised about your answers. One day I will go with you in a journey but first I need to prepare myself for a wild journey. Thanks to all our reader, the next week I will be in the city of Egypt and I will visit the pyramids.


Are we to dependent on mobile phone?

The Mobile phone allows people talk with everybody, play games, know all the news very quickly… Is the mobile phone becoming a necessity in our life?
At first, the mobile phone is an object that helps people when they have an emergency or when they need to communicate something important. I think that the problem began when we are all day using the phone, when we have to explain everything that happens to a friend. However, we explain a lot of things to our friends, not because they were particularly interesting, but simply because they happen.
A good example of the dependency of our society on the phone is when you have to say something to a friend that lives near you but you use the phone to talk with them. You never think the possibility of going to their home and talk with them.
To sum up, I believe that our society needs the phone because we are becoming a society of people that needs to be connected to survive.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Elena Poniatowska, chronicler of inequality, accepts Cervantes prize

This Wednesday, Elena Poniatowska became the fourth women that wins the Cervantes Prize. In her speech, the winner has praise Gabriel Garcia Marquez for help South America to became an important place for readers. Then she talks about the problems that her country has explaining how women, children, seniors has suffering.
Elena was born in Polonia, at the age of 10 she went to live to Mexico, at the age of 18 she began working in the newspaper Excelsior. After that she has wrote more than fifty essays, books... the most important are La noche de Tlatelolco and Las soldaderas, Women of the Mexican Revolution.

In my opinion I agree with Elena about the problems that have the children, women and seniors in South America and I'm proud to know that are people that is trying to help this poor people.

Catalan government looks abroad for independence support

The Catalan government has open a website to try to have more international help for the independence of Catalonia. The website explain that the independence of Catalonia is not a politic staff is a civil decision. Then they explain the Catalan history and they have some interview with politicians explaining why they want the independence.
The objective of this website is have the possibility of vote the 9 of November after the negative of Madrid.
The surveys show that more than a half of the population want to vote on the 9 of November. The website have the support of a lot of associations and some political parties.

I believe that Spain should give the possibility to Catalonia, not because I want the independence because we have the right of being a nation.

Former Barça coach Tito Vilanova succumbs to cancer

Tito Vilanova has died at the age of 45 years cause of a cancer in the parotid gland. The former coach of the Barcelona was fighting with the disease during three years. He died after an operation on Thursday. He always said that his disease wasn't important and they accept his entrance and exit of the Hospital as current staff. Before Pasqua he enter to Hospital Quiron because his immunologic system was not working well. Tito Vilanova was a football until 2002 when he become coacher of the Figueres team. In 2007 he become assistant of Pep Guardiola and this couple has create the best team of the history winning 14 of 19 titles.
In my opinion, Tito Vilanova is a winner even that he died because he never accept to lose against the disease and he was fighting until the end.

Do you agree that teenagers are too immature and unprepared for grown-up life?

Being a teenagers is one of the most spectacular part human live. The teenagers are little adults that need to mature but also they have to enjoy the best years of their life. The problem appear when the teenagers want to become part of the adult life and the adults think that they are not prepared.

On the one hand, I believe that teenagers are unprepared for becoming part of the adult life because they are to impulsive and they only think to go to the party and have a good time. They don't know that life is difficult and they have problems to accept his faults and those things produce a lot of problems to our society.

On the other hand, every teenager is different and we can't say that all the teenagers are unprepared. We have to think that there are teenagers that are son of rich people and they think that life is easy and they probably will fall a lot of time before they understand that adult life isn't like childhood. However, there are teenagers that during his short life has passed more problems and difficulties than the most part of the population that are thirty years old. Probably this little group of teenagers are from marginalized areas or from the riches part of the city but they know that life is not a bed of roses

To sum up, I propose that before say to a teenager that she is unprepared please we have to think that every case is different and sometimes is better allow her to try that not allow to do it.

Is it possible to live without compters nowadays?

In this text I will comment if it's possible to live without computers. Are the computers machines that do our life easier or are we becoming the slaves of the computers.

In my opinion we are slaves of the computers because the most part of the population are addicted to this new machines. The problems is that if we try to don't use computers we lose a lot of opportunities like find a job, meet new people... However if the computers disappeared I think that the population will accepted and we will return to the life that we live in the past.

To sum up, I believe that humans can't live without the computers because the society is transforming the computers in a way of live and if someone try to go against of this she or he will be marginalized. 

Our education system

What is the difference between the Spanish education system and the Shanghai and Honk Kong education systems? Are the Shanghai or Honk Kong students clever than the Spanish students? What we have to change if we want the results than Shanghai has?

I believe that the differences between the Spanish education system and the other two are that our system hasn't receive the same money that Shanghai or Honk Kong. However, in the past the Spanish system hadn't the results that have Shanghai because I think that the problem is the teachers, there are teachers that hate teach and they don't want to show the good points of their lessons they only explain the content and then they don't try to make the students love the content, and the families, lots of students drop out the school because they haven't the support of they parents or because they parents think that if his son or her daughter is not intelligent they should begin learn a job and leave the school.

To sump up, If the government try to improve the teachers staff and change our education system( I'm not talking of Werth system) probably in the next years our students will have the same results than Shanghai or Honk Kong students.

Monday 14 April 2014

Formal letter to the president of Mauritania

4 Waterloo Road
Great Britain
3rd of August 2012
The President

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you to defense one of the basic human right the equality. I have received some information about your country, in this information I could see that there in your country more than fifty % of the population are slaves. In this letter I pray to you because I think that slavery can not be allowed in a society of this century.
We are not in the seventeenth century were everything was allowed, We are living in a century of peace were every human has the same rights, were anyone should not be slave.

I am writing to pray to you, as I say, because you should begin to act and try to eradicate all the slavery of your country.

Yours faithfully,

The President of the Association Eradicate the Slavery of the World

Are the psychologist important for our society?

In my point of view, the psychologist in our society are very bad considered because they popular to deal with stupid staff like marriage problems and because current people think that the psychologist are like bats that steal money.
However, the psychologist aren't that kind of people that people think. I think that they are one of the bases of our society because they help people with a lot of problems, sometimes is stupid staff like marriage problems but ,moreover, they help people that have different kind of phobias, children with TDA...
I think that society don't know the help that the psychologist re doing in our society because I have heart a lot of time that psychologist are psychiatrist that weren't enough for work as a psychiatrist and they begin to work as psychologist.

To sum up, I believe that the psycho can help our society to improve helping people to cure his problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural area

It is a truth universally acknowledged that people prefer to live in rural areas than in the city. It will be good if we analyse this quote and we try to search the advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural area.

To begin, normally in the rural areas the aren't a lot of people and you can live in peace with everyone. Consequently, in rural areas there are a lot of nature, not a lot of cars and it is a perfect place if you have children.

In contrast, in rural areas there aren't a lot of service like hospitals or schools. Moreover, as there aren't a lot of people you know everyone and everyone know everything ( this could be a problem if you don't like the gossip).

In conclusion, rural areas are places where people can live in peace but with less service than in a urban area where you have all the things that you want very near but you should put up with a very stressed life.

Informal letter


New York

6th January 20014

Dear Alex,

Thanks for the Christmas presents, Miriam and Tom have loved their Ipads. I'm glad to know that your job situation is improving and you will return this February with your family.

I'm writing this letter to invite you to pass some days in our house because, as you know, the 31st of January your favourite DJ, Skrillex, is coming to our neighbourhood. Then we will go with him to have dinner and if everything is good he has promise that, probably, he will show his music studio in New York the next day.

One more thing, remember that the weather in the Hamptons is very different than the weather in your new place. It will probably snow the days that you will be hear.

Best wishes,


For and against essay about a prenuptial agreement

A prenuptial agreement is a written contract between two people who are about to marry, setting out the terms of possession of assets, treatment of future earnings, control of the property of each, and potential division if the marriage is later dissolved. These agreements are fairly common if either or both parties have substantial assets, children from a prior marriage, potential inheritances, high incomes, or have been "taken" by a prior spouse. This definition was found in the free dictionary and then I think that it is important to analyze the prenuptial agreement:
On the one hand, this kind of contract is a way to show that you don't think that your marriage will be forever because in this contracts you are putting rules in a place were rules don't exist( love). Furthermore, it's always true that,probably, you can hate your mother in law but if you really love your wife you will accept her mother as she accept yours.

On the other hand, It's always true that exist a kind of “marriage” where a beautiful girl, who only want money, is the couple of a old and rich man. In this think that it could be good do a prenuptial agreement because there are no love in this couple it's only interest. In fact, the prenuptial agreements began when the richest families began to married with the poorest one only to protect his patrimony.

To sum up, as I see it the prenuptial agreement should be allowed only in some cases and never as a current way to begin a marriage.

Saturday 12 April 2014

“The law is the same for everyone,” says Madrid mayor about Aguirre incident

The ex-premier minister, Esperanza Aguirre, has been arrested during twenty minutes after she stop in a Bus lane. Esperanza accuses the police of sexist and of only fine her because she was an important person.
After this detention, some of the members of the PP has explain their opinion about the incident.
Soraya Saéz de Santamaría has explained that thee law is the same for everyone and the statements made by the officers should be presumed to be true. Other as Anna Botella has criticized the behavior of the ex-premier minister and some friend of Esperanza, Lucía Figar, has criticized the behaviour of the police agents because they were only traffic agents and they only have to monitor and control traffic.

I agree with Soraya Saéz de Santamaría and it will be very strange if that thing that she has told will became true.

86 percent of Congress votes down Catalonia referendum request

After seven hours of debate the Spanish Congres has voted against the purpose of the President Mas to do a referendum. The most part of the Congres (299 that include the PP, PSOE , UcyD, UPN and Foro Asturias) voted that they don't want that Catalonia have the possibility of did a referendum the only 47 members of the parliament (CIU,ERC , ICV and PNV) voted that they want the possibility of do a referendum.
The most important declarations were from Rajoy who say that if the catalan population want to be independent they need to ask for change the Constitution and Rubalcaba who say that offered a new federal state model.

In my point of view, the Spanish Congres have not the final decision because, historically, Catalonia has never been part of Spain for his own desire and Spain has abuse of our region. 

Girl kidnapped in Madrid park found drugged and bewildered five hours later

A nine years old girl have been found it at 2a.m in the entrance of a subway after some hours missing. The girl was playing with some friends when a man convinced him to follow him to the car. When the girl appeared she was drugged and disoriented.

Cristina Cifuentes, the government delegate in Madid, and José Fernández Díez, the Madrid chief police, had said that this is an isolated accident and until today this case will have maximum priority. Then they explain that a unit of the rime investigation is interrogation every person that was in the park at that hour.
Nowadays, the girl is recovering in the Ramon y Cajal hospital.

I strongly believe that the authorities have to stop this kind of crimes because is a violation of the human right when someone steal the liberty of a person.


Can money buy everything. The marketisation of society?

Can we buy every little thing  or can everyone have everything
All the human should think this question almost one time during his life. In my opinion we have to mix this two different ways to see the economic world. My arguments are:

On the one hand, if you have the possibility to buy every little thing you will be educated in a world with out rules where if you want something you only have to pay for that thing.

On the other hand, if everyone can have everything we will live in  world with out difficulties where the slacker will be acclaimed and the effort will not exist.

To sum up, if our society want to improve we have to mix this two differents point of view and obtain a world were the poor can have the basic supplies and the people that work a lot and sacrifice for the other can live better.

Monday 7 April 2014

Letter to Obama

6 Rentador Street
Castelló d'Empúries
2nd April 2014
The President
The White House
Washington D.C.

Dear Mr. Obama,

I am writing to you to complain about the decision that the United States of America has taken about the problem in Ukraine.

In my point of view, the United States of America should protect all the countries that Russia wants to conquer and not allow the problems that Russia has given to Europe. Such as, the referendum that Russia did last Sunday because it was illegal.
It was illegal because the ordinary people could not show their opinion with all the Russian army in their country.
It seems to me that Russia was violating a Human right and I pray, in this letter, to you because only a country as America can fight against Russia and if you do not act as soon as possible it will might begin another World War.

Your sincerely,


Human Rights?

It's a truth universal know it that human right aren't very important for the people. Theoretically, human rights are "moral principles that set out certain standards of human behaviour, and are regularly protected as legal rights in national and international law" but every day the human right are violated more than a hundred of times.

The actual human rights were created after the Second World War with the only objective of prevent another massacre. There are thirty different Human Rights and, in my point of view, the article 2 that talks about equality is not accomplished nowadays. 

I want to talk about how women are discriminate against men. It's true that now are less discriminated than in the past but the problem is that now the people think that are equal when this is false. If you think a little bit you will understand why I'm telling this universal true. Try to ask these questions: How many president of the United States were women?, How many women are boss?, if there are in an important position they earn the same amount of money that a man in the same position?

To sum up, I only want to show that the UNIVERSAL declaration of Human Right is only a piece of paper with a lot of ink wasted for anything.