Sunday 25 November 2012

News 3

The new talks about a big storm in England, exactly in south-west area in Cornwall and Devon. The new explains that a big part of the roads of the country were flood. A women of twenty one years old died in Exeter city and two woman more were hurting in the same place. The police and the emergency department were working more than 24 hours for helped the people of the zone. Then the new explained a lot of examples about difference dramatically situation. Then said that the rain will continuous and it was the biggest flood in the last years.

Self evaluation

When I see the video of my presentation I think that I was so nervous because I knew the text I studied for hour for know it but when began to talk in front of the class, first I forgot all but a few seconds later I can began but this thing didn't gave me a lot of security. If we talk about the pronounce I think that I did it well and I said all the word good but if I talk about my body and my moves wasn't a good help for me because when I saw me doing the presentation. I think I can did worst. In conclusion for the next presentation I need to be less nervous and do it better.

News 2

The news talks about the last grand prix of F1 that will happen this Sunday in Interlagos, Brazil. Fernando Alonso need to final in the podium and Vettle only need to be in the four first positions because he has 13 points more than the second, Alonso. All the teams are looking the sky and specially Fernando who pray for rain because he thinks that a big storm can give him the fourteen points that he need for win. All the local people say that a strong storm happens two days ago race and it not was prognosticate and it was a surprise in Interlagos are very difficult to know. Three years ago Fernando Alonso needs to be in the seven first position to win the champions ship and he finish at the fourteen position and Vettle win the champions ship, in F1 is so difficult to know the final result until the last lap.

News 1

The new talk about the election of Catalonia on Sunday 25th of November 2012. This notice explained all the process that start in Arenys de Munt few years ago went mayor Mister Chimeno starts a illegal referendum to ask to the people of the town if they want the independence from Spain and it was very satisfactory, it was the third of lots similar referendum of different town in Catalonia asking the same. The feel for the independence in Catalonia is growing up helped for the economics problems and the high unemployment. Mister Artur Mas decided to advance the elections after the manifestation of the 11 of September when 1 million and a half of Catalans want the independence at the street.

La cosecha de Samhein

I finished this book yesterday night and I think that I can do it a good review. The book talks about twelve boys that were kidnapping to another world. This boys need to survive until the red moon. The objective of that, is to get a new king for the city, Rocavarancolia. The only problem was that the city had a lot of monsters an traps for kill the boys. The book is only a part of the trilogy and the final isn't so different of the beginning, all the boys are in the city trying to survive. I want to buy the second book of trilogy for know the end.

Home alone

I love this film because in the past all my brother, my sister and I we always see it. This film talked about one boy, Kevin, who his family forgot him the day of Christmas at home. At the begining he was good alone, he did all the things that he want and he never had problems. The problems began when two thief tried to enter to his house but the boy put a lot of trap in his house and he achieved that the thief go out of his house. At the final of the film the mother of the boy arrived Christmas day at home, after of did it a long travel to found him.



In my family we have a long tradition to celebrate Christmas, all the years the day before Christmas, the 24 of December, all the members of my family meet in my grandma's house. Normally, first we did a big dinner with all the food that you can think, during the dinner we talked about the presents that we want or my cousins sang Christmas song, then we could do two differents thinks: in the past all the family except my grandma, went to the sofa and we covered with a blanket, then Santa called the door and my grandma open and he left the presents in the house. Other years we only went to the street for a few minutes and then we returned to the house and when we opened the door we saw all the presents. Then my aunts, my parents and my grandparents did the invisible friend. At might night we returned to home.


At the begining of the course I decided to get the license A1(motorbike) because I want to have more independency and can do al the things that I want. The first day that I went to the motor school I have a lot of problems for understand all the rules and traffic sign but after two week all the things that I need to know became easy, and this tuesday I want to go to pass the traffic exam. The day of my birth my parents and me went to Vic to buy my moto. When we arrived and I saw it I fall in love with it and then when we returned home on the motorbike and the wind went in my face I felt a lot of good sensation that I never felt. Now I'm studying for the exam and pray for passed.

Saturday 24 November 2012


This year I began to study first of Batxillerat. At the begining of the course. I thought that I didn't have problems to have good marks doing the same that I did in the Eso but during this two months I see that if I want to have good marks I need to study more and to be more mature because the sistem of ESO, study and do all the homework at the last moment, doesn't work. For batxillerat you need to study one or two week before the exam because you can't study ten or fiften pages in a few hours. For the homework is the same if you don't do the homework don't worry the teacher don't want to tell anything to you but then you can't follow the class and understand it. I think that in this second term I need to be a better student in all the lessons and probably with that I can have a good mark in this course.

Rebel song

Kelly Clarkson - Catch my breath - English lyrics

I don't wanna be left behind
Distance was a friend of mine
Catching breath in a web of lies
I've spent most of my life
Riding waves, playing acrobat
Shadow boxing the other half
Learning how to react
I've spent most of my time

Catching my breath, letting it go
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down
It's all so simple now

Addicted to the love I found
Heavy heart now a weightless cloud
Making time for the ones that count
I'll spend the rest of my time
Laughing hard with the windows down
Leaving footprints all over town
Keep it pace, come a come round
I will spent the rest of my life

Catching my breath, letting it go
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath, no one can hold me back
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down
It's all so simple now

You helped me see
The beauty in everything

Catching my breath, letting it go
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catching my breath, letting it go
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath
Catch my breath, no one can hold me back
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down
It's all so simple now it's all so simple now

Catching my breath, letting it go
Turning my cheek for the sake of the show
Now that you know, this is my life
I won't be told what's supposed to be right

Catch my breath
Catch my breath, no one can hold me back
I ain't got time for that
Catch my breath, won't let them get me down
It's all so simple now

Kelly Clarkson - Catch my breath translated to spanish

No quiero ser dejada atrás,
la distancia era una amiga mía,
aguantando la respiración en una red de mentiras,
he gastado la mayor parte de mi vida,
montando olas, jugando al equilibrista,
la otra mitad, boxeando contra mi sombra
aprendiendo cómo reaccionar,
he gastado la mayor parte de mi tiempo.
Aguantando la respiración, dejándolo pasar,
dando la otra mejilla, por el bien del espectáculo,
ahora que lo sabes, esta es mi vida,
no me dirán lo que se supone que está bien.
Aguanto la respiración, nadie puede contenerme,
no tengo tiempo para esto.
Aguanto la respiración, no dejaré que me desanimen
ahora todo es tan simple.
Adicta al amor que encontré,
un corazón duro, ahora una nube ingrávida
haciendo tiempo para los que cuentan,
gastaré el resto de mi tiempo,
riendo bien alto, con las ventanas bajadas,
dejando huellas por toda la ciudad,
manteniendo el ritmo, viene un despertar,
gastaré el resto de mi vida.
Aguantando la respiración, dejándolo pasar,
dando la otra mejilla, por el bien del espectáculo,
ahora que lo sabes, esta es mi vida,
no me dirán lo que se supone que está bien.
Aguanto la respiración, nadie puede contenerme,
no tengo tiempo para esto.
Aguanto la respiración, no dejaré que me desanimen,
ahora todo es tan simple.
Tú me ayudaste a ver
la belleza en todo.
Aguantando la respiración, dejándolo pasar,
dando la otra mejilla, por el bien del espectáculo,
ahora que lo sabes, esta es mi vida,
no me dirán lo que se supone que está bien.
Aguantando la respiración, dejándolo pasar,
dando la otra mejilla, por el bien del espectáculo,
ahora que lo sabes, esta es mi vida,
no me dirán lo que se supone que está bien.
Aguanto la respiración.
Aguanto la respiración, nadie puede contenerme,
no tengo tiempo para esto.
Aguanto la respiración, no dejaré que me desanimen,
ahora todo es tan simple, todo es tan simple
Aguantando la respiración, dejándolo pasar,
dando la otra mejilla, por el bien del espectáculo,
ahora que lo sabes, esta es mi vida,
no me dirán lo que se supone que está bien.
Aguanto la respiración.
Aguanto la respiración, nadie puede contenerme,
no tengo tiempo para esto.
Aguanto la respiración, no dejaré que me desanimen,
ahora todo es tan simple, todo es tan simple.

Catch my breath from Kelly Clarkson, I think that is a rebel song because she's talking about she wants to change the life. First we can see that she talks about her past or the thinks that she did it. Then she says that she doesthe best think for the sake of the show. In the third verse begin the rebel part when she telling that anyone can hold her back. Then she uses one of the topic in the rebel songs the love and the things that she wants to do now. Finally the artist repeats seven times the refrain and with this she's putting more importance to the basic idea of the song the change that she is doing on her life.

I think that this song is rebel because she says that she never do the thing that she want and now she decides that she wants to do all the think that she never can't do it. Another think is that she talks about love and she say that she is addicted to the love and this love helps her to see the beauty in everthing.

The perfection

In my live I practice a lot of sports: tennis, swimming, sailing, windsurf and more other but only one can fall me in love. This sport is the basketball I began to practice at the age of twelve but in this four years any sports or any other think can change my opinion, I love basket. For me basket isn't only a sport, is a live I always try to play basket if I can't play outside I play in the Play Station 3 or only think with them. The thinks that do basket diferent is that for play basketball you need all you body working, not only the arms or the legs, you need all. When the rival exceed you or only if you are a little bit not concentrated the other team put a point and you can't do anything. The true meaning of basketball for me is the perfection at all the think that you do because in this sport you need to know how to do the best defense and how to do the best attack, if you don't do that you can't play basketball. In conclusion basketball put out all my soul and let me have a litle of perfection in my live.

Thursday 22 November 2012

The important of think

During my life I see that when we don't think about  what we want to do, we can have a bad experience. Here I have a example in my live,  I need to talk with my parents for go to a party or go out in the night and I think that is better if I do the last day than if I do the first day. If I do the first day of the week during all the week my mother is remember me that I need to have a good behave and if I don't have it she forbid me to go. When I do the last day I only I need to convince that I want to have a good behave and is probably a litle bit dificult but always work.

Finally I think that the normal think, that it is tell to my parents at the first days, is the worst think that you can do.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Sports Interview

Hello, I'm Anton Fornieles and this is sports live. Last Friday the Olympic Games finished and today we are lucky to have here two of the champions of this London Olympics Games 2012: Usain bolt and Michael Phelps.

Anton: Hi, how are you guys?

Bolt (Pablo): I’m fine and so happy Anton.

Phelps (Roger): I’m fine too, thanks.

Anton: Ok now we will start a little interview about their life and sport career.

Anton: How did you feel when you beat your own world record?

Phelps (Roger): I felt a lot of euphoria and satisfaction also I couldn't beat the record without my partners Aaron Peirsol, Eric Shanteau and David Walters as the record was in a relay race.

Bolt (Pablo): I felt happiness for my country and for all the people that was cheering me. When I beat three records in Pekin the 100m, the 200m and the relay race thanks to my Jamaica athletics team partners Nesta Carter, Michael Frater, y Asafa Powell you know.

Anton: Which Olympic Games have been most important in your life Pekin or London?

Bolt: Of course the Pekin Olympic Games was the sport competition of my life with the world records the people saying my name after that I will become a famous person.

Phelps: I’m with you Bolt the Olympic Games of Pekin changed my life with the 8 gold medals and the more other things.

Anton: What’s the typical food in your country?

Phelps: My country, the USA, is famous for the fast food but in last years the Mediterranean diet is integrating into our society.

Bolt: Ermmm… In my country it’s so difficult to find a typical food because our food is: a big part from England colonization, another part from native recipes and the other part from Africa rastafarian food.

Anton: What do you eat in a day?

Phelps: I eat a lot of fast food because that I consume an average of 8000 calories in a day. After that I swim and burnt all the calories.
Bolt: I love the native food like the ñame or the batata two tubers with a lot of energy for me.

Anton: Bolt, when did you begin to run?

Bolt: Well, I began to run with ten or eleven years but a good moment of my start is when I was twelve I was the fastest boy of my school.

Anton: And you Phelps when did you begin to swim?

Phelps: I start to swim younger than Bolt began to run. I start at seven years old in my school.

Anton: I don’t practice sport but I think that I’m in very good form.

Bolt and Phelps: Hahahahaha

Anton: What do you want to do when you retire?

Phelps: Sorry Anton, can you repeat the question please?

Anton: Yes, of course I said what do you want to do when you retire?

Phelps: I want to have more time for my family and I want to be a coach of swimming promises.

Bolt: Also I’ll want more time for my family like Phelps but I’ll like to help the poor people of my country too.

Anton: How is your relationship with your selection partners like Blake Powell or Lochte?
Bolt: It’s very good because we know since we were kids also sometimes we went out with our girlfriends to dance reggae or to have dinner in a restaurant.

Phelps: In the sport life we are good partners and have a very good relationship but in our private life we hardly ever see each other because everyone lives in a different part of the USA.

Anton: When are young did you practice a different kind of spot?

Phelps: No I didn’t because my elder sisters and I practice the swimming and I since I was a child I want to practice the swimming them. And these decision in my life produced very good results.

Bolt: I say yes when I was a young boy I played cricket and football in Kingston with my brother and his friends.

Anton: What kind of music do you like?

Bolt: It is possible that you think that is the typical but my favourite music It’s the reggae I love Bob Marley and the other Jamaican singers, it is a relaxing music and It’s very good for concentration before a race.

Phelps: I sometimes listen reggae but my favourite type of music is the dance or electronic music cause that music It’s good for dance and motivate myself too.

Anton: What do you want to do on holidays after the Olympic Games?

Phelps: aaaah… On these holidays I’d like to go to a distant country with my family to relax myself.

Bolt: After the Olympic Games I‘ll have to train a lot because in September I’ll run the Diamond League and I want to win.

Anton: Finally, Bolt, what do you think about Phelps?

Bolt: He’s a beast in the water he is like a shark very fast and determined in his actions. Also he is a very good person and for me is the best sportsman of the history.

Anton: And you Phelps what do you about Usain?

Phelps: He’s like a bullet I don’t see him when he is running is too faster for the human eye. I don’t know if in this Olympic Games I can see him.

Bolt, Anton and Phelps: jajajajaja

Anton:Thank you boys, the program finishes now but remember that tomorrow we want to talk to Lewis Hamilton. Good night England.

Mail to the teacher

Dear Lourdes,

Hi, you probably know who I'm, because last year you were my english teacher. For a short description about me I need to tell you that I'm tall and thin, with brown eyes and brown hair and about my character I can say that I'm shy, polite and I'm always happy. About sports I like playing basketball and swimming, if we talk about food I don't like any kind of vegetables and I love pizza and ice cream. I have a lot of dreams, the most important for me is to travel around the world and to learn surfing. In the future I will go to the university and then work in something that have relation with video games because I like them. The best experience that I have is about last summer when I went to Virginia Beach, a city of United States, first I didn't feel so good because in the house that I went there is only a old women but when I arrived I saw that all was different from what I thought with the family we lived a lot of good experience, all the days we did a lot of things, and I met a lot of people and in the trip that I did to New York I saw a few places: Times Square, Manhattan, Broadway, Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty and other beautiful places. I didn't do my blog perhaps on Monday have the link.

Goodbye,I see you tomorow
