Monday 24 February 2014

Can internet change the world for the better?

Has internet already changed the world? The answer is easy, although what we have to think is whether the world will be better without internet.

On the one hand, Internet allows search information very quickly. Also, thanks to internet, the communication between countries has improved to a spectacular level.

On the other hand, Internet has transformed the humanity in zombies that can't live if we aren't connected every second. You can see an example of that in your little brother or your children because nowadays they play with their friends online and I feel nostalgia of my past when I went every day out and I only played a few hours a week to Internet. However if I ask my brother to have a conversation or to play a game he will send me a whatsapp or a invitation t play Candy Crash.

In conclusion, in my point of view internet has changed the world for the worse because nowadays most part of the relationships are virtual. Adding to that, thanks to internet the humans are changing the concept of group for a bigger ego.

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