Friday 28 February 2014

Self evaluation about my tdr presentation

After I see the video the first thought that appear in my mind was that I was so nervous but if I'm realistic did a good presentation but with some thing to perfect. I think that the content was so good with the enough information to know something about my tdr, then I use a basic structure to explain this content with a little surprise at the end( the steps to make cheese). My body language was very bad, I always did the same movements and I didn't remember the text and finally I think that I need to be more positive and probably the next presentation (at the university) will be better.

Research paper abstract

Everybody knows that cheese comes from milk but do you know about the chemical process that takes place during its elaboration? That was the driving question during my research project. Then we talk about the differences between industrial elaboration and handmade elaboration. The practical part deals with what is a taste and to finish I determine the pH of different cheeses.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Brussels doubles its growth forecast for Spain for this year

Before the end of the longest recession of the history of the democracy, the prevision for the growth of the Spanish economy are very positive.

The Commission think that the unemployment and the debt will affect to the growth of the Spanish economy.
Little by little the Commission think that the unemployment and the debt will disappear and they said: “The worst of the crisis may now be behind us, but this is not an invitation to be complacent, as the recovery is still modest”.
Then of the rescue of our neighbour, Portugal, it seems that his economy will grow during the next years.

Probably this is the first time that the Spanish government and the Commission said the same, I wish that the crisis will finish and our country will return to the normality.

Battle for the Mosque of Córdoba

This days, there is a debate to decide if the Mosque of Córdoba has to be a catholic monument or a Andalusí monument.
The problem began when during the last years all the content refereeing to the Islamic culture has been removed.
Last year a group of people decided to create platform, This platform explains that if the Bishopric continue removing objects the Mosque could disappear of the list of World Heritage buildings.
In the Mosque there are a lot of guards that control all the Muslim person because the Bishopric don't want that this people do his religious acts in the Mosque.
In my point of view, this kind of things has to be ban for the European Union because they are destroying our past.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Draft Citizen Security Law unconstitutional, says top legal watchdog

The General Council of the Judiciary has said that some points of the new citizens security law are unconstitutional. The critics said that the only use of this law is to protect itself of the protest and of the amount of critics that the population said during this protest.( the project explain that a person will have to pay a fine, if he say something shameful about a member of the government.
Two members of the CGPJ has tell that the PP should fence in some points because there are confused.
Summing up, I think that the only objective of this project is avoid the protest and collect more money.

Fake coup documentary sparks row

On Sunday, Jordi Evole has do it a fake program about the 23-F. The objective of the problem was to use some edited videos and the invented testimony of some important people of the past.
At the end f the program Jordi Evole revel that all what they explain was a fake but all the people who has see it thought: Can a lie explain a truth? The people who appear in the fake program was Joaquín Leguina Medina, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Felipe Alcaraz and Fernando Ortega.
The program finished with a debate about the Operacion Palacios.
I think that Jordi Evole is one of the best presenter of the country and thanks to him and la Sexta Spain has another point of view of a lot of cloudy events.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Founder of Spanish Dakar Rally team ordered held in cocaine-smuggling case

This Monday the Spanish High-Court has denied the preventive custody to David Olivares, the owner of the Spanish Dakar team Epsilon, after his arrest when the authorities has found some cocaine in his truck.

The truck was arrested in his trip to Catalonia and a part from David Olivares the police has arrested two more Spanish and two Bulgarians, probably the chief of the organitzation.

The boss of the team has decided to don't go to French and a the High-Court will decide what will happen to this men.

In my point of view, this kind of person are more evil than normal thief because they are destroying the fame of this competition.

Mexico captures world’s most famous drug cartel leader

This Saturday the police of Mexico has arrested one of the biggest drug fugitives, Joaquim Guzman.
Joaquim Guzman, one of the richest trafficker in the world, was arrested without complication in one Hotel of the city of Mazatlán.

“El Chapo” has controlled the cocaine market during a lot of years in all the world, his harvest fields are bigger than Costa Rica.

Before he was moved to the prison, the authorities brought him to press at 2am at Mexico City airport. The arrest of “El Chapo” is a little victory for the president of Mexico, Enrique Peña, because his predecessor couldn't do anything like this.
In my opinion, this is very important because the people like Guzman earn money destroying the life of a lot of people.

Monday 24 February 2014

Can internet change the world for the better?

Has internet already changed the world? The answer is easy, although what we have to think is whether the world will be better without internet.

On the one hand, Internet allows search information very quickly. Also, thanks to internet, the communication between countries has improved to a spectacular level.

On the other hand, Internet has transformed the humanity in zombies that can't live if we aren't connected every second. You can see an example of that in your little brother or your children because nowadays they play with their friends online and I feel nostalgia of my past when I went every day out and I only played a few hours a week to Internet. However if I ask my brother to have a conversation or to play a game he will send me a whatsapp or a invitation t play Candy Crash.

In conclusion, in my point of view internet has changed the world for the worse because nowadays most part of the relationships are virtual. Adding to that, thanks to internet the humans are changing the concept of group for a bigger ego.

Hospital Central

Hospital Central is the most long-lived series of the Spanish television. The series have twenty seasons and three hundred chapter for that reason a lot of Spanish actor have passed for this series the most important is Jordi Rebellon ( Dr. Vilches). The series talk about the life in the Emergency (part of the Hospital) and then the relation between the doctors or with the patient. If you eliminate the commercial plot like the love relation between the doctors or the evil eye that have the hospital (you should know that if you work in this hospital the less thing that could happen to you is a nuclear accident) you can learn a lot of disease and the problems that the society have.

Differences in a relation between now and the 18th century

During the last 300 years the relation between a boy and a girl has changed a lot. The first thing that has changed is how they meet. In the 18th they met in a party, normally the parents were near and with a lot of people watching what they do. In 18th if you want to talk alone with a girl you have to dance with her( in my opinion have a conversation while you are dancing like the film is very difficult) and obviously You couldn't kiss her in the first date. Nowadays the first contact with a girl is using a internet or in a disco, the second option is better if you don't like to talk because in this places the people only want to dance. Then when you decided to have the first date (ALONE) they always go to a romantic place and they kiss and sometimes more...

Summing up, In the past if you began a relation is because you love the girl and you wanted to stay with her all you live. However now when you began a relation normally is for some months, often some years but only sometimes for all the life.

Social class

In the 18th Century the differences between social classes were bigger than the distance between Spain and Russia. The people of higher class normally had more servants, big houses and sumptuous clothes. In the film, we can see a big difference between Darcy's house and Bennet's house. Then when the people talk about a person they always told his wage or if he was from an important house. In the film, Mrs Bennet want that one of her daughter became married with Mr Darcy because he has a lot of money. Finally, it's very important to see the prejudices that have the different classes between them. A good example is that a man that have a lot of money may think that the poor people are evil or harmful and they usually don't want to be in contact with that kind of people( for the appearances).

Is Lizzy Bennet a forerunner of feminism?

In my opinion Elizabeth Bennet is a forerunner of the feminism because she defences the free wishes of the women, a good example of that is when she rejects the offer of Mr Collins but after that she show that she accept the bases of her society when she want that her sister, Lidia, became married with Mr Wickham only to safe the name of his family. I think that the writer, Jane Austen, showed in the book a lot of new social and philosophic trends that appear have a real trend a few years later, probably Locke and other writers were inspired by this novel.